March 2022

Silver Spring Farm Newsletter

March 1, 2022

Hello friends!

I can't shake the feeling that spring is just around the next corner. Are you feeling that way too? Even as I look out my window at the snow covered landscape (that I am still very much enjoying by the way) there has been a noticeable shift in the season. Maybe it was kicked off by our 50 degrees and raining Spring preview we had a week ago? Probably. Weird weather, I I've been observing the landscape these past couple of weeks I've watched the buds on trees and bushes fatten with the promise of warm river days ahead. It's exciting! We get to do it all over again!

Inside the grow room at SIlver Spring we already have Snapdragons, Queen Anne's Lace, and some Sweet Peas popping up! Outside under plastic and hoops in the field we have 2 inch high poppies, larkspur, nigella, and maybe some other survivors. There are tulips ready to pop up in the field and in the greenhouse...although something has been munching on the tulips in the greenhouse. I can't say that I blame them, it must be a pretty nice snack in the dead of winter. We have a live trap set so I'll let you know if we figure out who the culprit is!

Basically, this is the time of year that I start feeling pulled between my love of snowboarding and my love of all my baby plants. It's a pretty great problem to have. 

It's not too late to sign up to either of our CSA style subscription offerings. The first wreath pick-up will be at the end of this month/beginning of next month depending on whether or not you chose to pick up your share in Monkton or Bolton. And the first flower pick up isn't until June (think Mother's day'll hear more about that from us soon)

If you'd like to have our newsletter mailed straight to your inbox sign up here at

Have a Happy Solstice later this month ya'll!

-Karey Ann


April 2022


February 2022